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As part of the commemoration of 100 Hundred Years of The Preceptory and Priory of Greyfriars, Stirling, a book has been produced tracing the foundation of the Preceptory in Stirling in the year 1922, and relating it's history until the present day, 2022.

The book of 10 chapters is full of interesting facts and figures along with images, is about the conception, formation and history of the Preceptory of Greyfriars in Stirling. Written by Em. Fr. Paul G. Miller HGP GMA the book is priced at £10.00 which includes post and packaging, and is available direct from the author whose contact details are below.

Contact details for Paul G. Miller

25 Elgin Drive, Broomridge. STIRLING. FK7 7TZ - 01786261031

e-mail:  paulgreyfriars51nospam@hotmail.co.uk

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